Saturday, March 29, 2014

Solidarity in Black Supremacy: Your Panels Wont Save You

Your Panels and debates wont Save you. You will have to take a very firm and definite stand against oppression, racism and white supremacy if you want to manifest Godself in this world. 

You will not be able a to coon, shuck and jive into your old age and live off of revenues from dvd's, lectures, videos and debates you held in your youth...the years you wasted giving lip-professions. You have to take a stand and be solid in Black Supremacy. 

You would be better off getting you some solar panels and building a Black nation off somewhere outside of the immediate matrix than to sit up in some conference hall somewhere paying rent and charging people to wake up. And even then solar panels are not a solid measure against your enemies.

But At least with a solar panel you can judge whether you are getting power from the sun to charge your community. But with these weak panels and lectures poping up in the black conscious community, you cannot even judge who won the debates, of if your people are even waking up to the message your are trying to present. So your Panels are useless and hold no weight against the forces of white supremacy.

Its takes the Solidarity in Black Supremacy of EVERY Black man, Black woman, and Black child who is serious to successfully and permanently erect ourselves out of the rubble, muck and mire of this fallen and brutal system that wants nothing less then the bloodshed of our youth and old and both strong and sick. 

So you must maintain Solidarity in Black Supremacy is you even have a purpose in this live other than being a Slave to your own destruction. If you're solid in Black Supremacy....

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