Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Heal the Black Family and Black Community

There is no single event in the that is going to <a href="http://www.kingnobleblackrulership.com/">heal the Black family and Black community</a>. The very idea that you can even say you are going to do this without actually first building a black community is self defeating. If you want to Heal the Black families in THE community, you need to first analyze what type of community would facilitate sick people? And why is it that OUR people, Black people are sick in that type of community? And lastly, how is this COMMUNITY maintained if it is not our own and we are sick?

These are not our communities, first and foremost, and if you are not coming together to discuss actually starting, building and structuring a community than you are building on a foundation that has already been laid and if the peoples whose community you are building on aren't talking about healing black people in the community than what makes you think they see a problem with you being sick? If they don't have an issue with your state of ill health, then what makes you think they want you 'healed'. When does it occur to you that IF you are sick, it is by design?

If you so happen to come to the conclusion that it is by design that you are deemed sick by a foreign and insensitive people in a community that is not you own and has no interest in the well being of your Black family, then that should lead you to the next conclusion. Its not what's wrong with you, your Black brother, or Black Sister, or the black teenagers, children and infants, it is what is wrong with the community. Not the Black community, but the community that we have come into that is disrupting our unity.

So you cannot heal the black community without coming-out-of-unity with that which is preventing our unity. And we cannot get too grandiose either without getting lost in our words and ideas. We have to actually start laying the foundation. A lot of us don't even have a Black 'family' to begin with. Some of you have Europeanized women or men and are raising your children to be and think like white people. But you refuse to extend help to the nappiest, deadlocked matted haired brother or sister if you aren't getting something in return. Some black people don't want a community, they want black servitudity. Serve-u-nightly!

We have to start opening up our doors. Stop charging each other for everything. Stop charging each other for rent. Getting upset and angry over material things. Sacrifice a house that you got just sitting collecting up dust. Sacrifice your basement to being open and communal. Some of you have more space than you know what to do with. Don't be limited to getting paid per square foot. Does that mean you let people walk all over you...NO. It means that we are not going to have a community if we don't have a community in where we live at first.

At the Black Supremacy Temple, we are open to our brothers and sister that want to come and be a part of this community. We're not selling you tickets on how to buy this and that product from us. We're here as a true and actual community in this day and time pushing Black Supremacy. We're not teaching you how to be a healed Black family for white supremacy. We are evidence of a Black community not dependent on the white man for nothing.

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