Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Heal the Black Family and Black Community
There is no single event in the that is going to <a href="http://www.kingnobleblackrulership.com/">heal the Black family and Black community</a>. The very idea that you can even say you are going to do this without actually first building a black community is self defeating. If you want to Heal the Black families in THE community, you need to first analyze what type of community would facilitate sick people? And why is it that OUR people, Black people are sick in that type of community? And lastly, how is this COMMUNITY maintained if it is not our own and we are sick?
These are not our communities, first and foremost, and if you are not coming together to discuss actually starting, building and structuring a community than you are building on a foundation that has already been laid and if the peoples whose community you are building on aren't talking about healing black people in the community than what makes you think they see a problem with you being sick? If they don't have an issue with your state of ill health, then what makes you think they want you 'healed'. When does it occur to you that IF you are sick, it is by design?
If you so happen to come to the conclusion that it is by design that you are deemed sick by a foreign and insensitive people in a community that is not you own and has no interest in the well being of your Black family, then that should lead you to the next conclusion. Its not what's wrong with you, your Black brother, or Black Sister, or the black teenagers, children and infants, it is what is wrong with the community. Not the Black community, but the community that we have come into that is disrupting our unity.
So you cannot heal the black community without coming-out-of-unity with that which is preventing our unity. And we cannot get too grandiose either without getting lost in our words and ideas. We have to actually start laying the foundation. A lot of us don't even have a Black 'family' to begin with. Some of you have Europeanized women or men and are raising your children to be and think like white people. But you refuse to extend help to the nappiest, deadlocked matted haired brother or sister if you aren't getting something in return. Some black people don't want a community, they want black servitudity. Serve-u-nightly!
We have to start opening up our doors. Stop charging each other for everything. Stop charging each other for rent. Getting upset and angry over material things. Sacrifice a house that you got just sitting collecting up dust. Sacrifice your basement to being open and communal. Some of you have more space than you know what to do with. Don't be limited to getting paid per square foot. Does that mean you let people walk all over you...NO. It means that we are not going to have a community if we don't have a community in where we live at first.
At the Black Supremacy Temple, we are open to our brothers and sister that want to come and be a part of this community. We're not selling you tickets on how to buy this and that product from us. We're here as a true and actual community in this day and time pushing Black Supremacy. We're not teaching you how to be a healed Black family for white supremacy. We are evidence of a Black community not dependent on the white man for nothing.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Black People be Sovereign in America While White Supremacy Still
debate between Brother Polight and Malik Zulu Shabazz finally took
place! It started off with Sutek setting the stage for opening
statements and by telling Polight, Malik and the audience what the rules
Zulu Shabazz's opening statement was that 'Sovereignty' was a term
created by white supremacists for white people to be free in a stolen
land and that sovereignty was not in accordance with our African
Malik went on to debate that sovereignty would not and could not save
Trayvon from Zimmerman, nor Emmit Till or all the brothas or sistahs
that are being murdered, tazed and beaten from these same white
supremacist that Polight emulates. Malik said, point blank, "Sovereignty
is confusing"!
You can see for Free if Malik Zulu Shabazz won the debate against Brother Polight.
flipped his opening statement on Malik in his debate saying that it was, instead, that the
New Black Power movement's rhetoric that was confusing.
Polight's debate pointed out
the fact that although Min. Malik Samir Shabazz hollas out "kill white
babies" three seconds after they're born, that he doesn't seem to feel
the same about grown white supremacists.
Polight's debate shot at that the
Black Power community, including he NBPP, for being more confusing than the
Sovereignty Movement because unlike the old Black Panther Party no one
in the New Black Panther Party went to free Malik when he got arrested, like they did Assata
Did this debate turn out to be whether New Covenent or the NBPP was Confusing?
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Can the Black Conscious Community Stay Awoke?
Waking up is easy! Staying awoke in the black conscious community is the hard part. For many of us black conscious people, waking up to our Black Supremacy may have seemed like the hardest thing to do, while for some it was a piece of vegan cake. Yet the nirvana is quickly worn off compare to what it takes to stay awake or the even more pressing reality that there is no going back.
You just wanted to soak in the black love, wear a dashiki, maybe learn Twi or another African language and eat raw food. Instead you have to actually deal with black people! Black people who are not awake and black people who are seemingly awake but wish they were still asleep. Then you look at conscious black leaders who are actually doing something in the black conscious community and compare yourself to them and ask yourself, "Am I really awake?", "Am I truly conscious". Add that self-doubt to the messages of the esoteric black conscious community and you begin to wonder, "Do I even fucking exist? I could just be a projection of myself from the planet X!"
All this confusion can really begin to add up to the point were you may become self-defeating. Then nothing you do "conscious" seems to matter to you! Not even matter matters! You begin to dismiss the conscious community and now nobody black is conscious. Nobody black can do anything right? There is one major problem here...You cannot go back to sleep! The minute you begin to feel this way, this self-perplexing, self-hating, way, not only are you metaphysically trying to go back in the bed, but you are re-engaging the Willy Lynch chip!
You could go on and on like this, not realizing that the conscious community is just a platform and a stage for you to go thru. Literally a Rite of Passage into the maturer You! It is no accident that every black person is faced with the concept of having to open their third eye. Even if you have concluded that an individual black person or groups of black people are perpetually unconscious, that doesn't take away from your expectation that they, one way or another, play a role in the awakening and liberating of us all as black people. To translate that, it simply means that spiritually, they are still immature and not responding to mindfully to the challenges that we as an overall group of black people are facing globally, in the West, and in our communities.
So here you are. Aware of all this and rightfully feeling overwhelmed. But it is too late to start closing your eyes now and the fact is you cannot go back. No matter how hard you try. There is no going back to sleep. Its either you mature as a black conscious leader and lead the sleep our of their slumber or you loose face as a black nationalist. A sell-out! We have enough of those! Why willingly join the ranks of the fallen soldiers when you can make a difference in a brotha or sistahs life? Why become a black devil and want to poke out the third eye of the black man or woman that woke you up. You gonna kill the elders? The spiritually mature for bringing you thru the right of passage into black leadership? It makes no sense.
If you fail to make it thru the rites of passage into waking up into the you that can help liberate or people out of the woes of white supremacy, chances are you are going to help many drag the rest of those awoke down with you. Now you sleep walking. You half on black supremacy and half on white supremacy. And thats as far as you'll get to ever going back to babyland or sleep.
The solution is to really be solid and clear on who the...(To See this Complete Blog visit www.kingnobleblackrulership.com You do not want to miss out on the most Interesting Black Conscious Webite on the internet!)
Can The Black Conscious Community Stay Awoke? Join & Donate @ www.kingnobleblackrulership.com |
All this confusion can really begin to add up to the point were you may become self-defeating. Then nothing you do "conscious" seems to matter to you! Not even matter matters! You begin to dismiss the conscious community and now nobody black is conscious. Nobody black can do anything right? There is one major problem here...You cannot go back to sleep! The minute you begin to feel this way, this self-perplexing, self-hating, way, not only are you metaphysically trying to go back in the bed, but you are re-engaging the Willy Lynch chip!
You could go on and on like this, not realizing that the conscious community is just a platform and a stage for you to go thru. Literally a Rite of Passage into the maturer You! It is no accident that every black person is faced with the concept of having to open their third eye. Even if you have concluded that an individual black person or groups of black people are perpetually unconscious, that doesn't take away from your expectation that they, one way or another, play a role in the awakening and liberating of us all as black people. To translate that, it simply means that spiritually, they are still immature and not responding to mindfully to the challenges that we as an overall group of black people are facing globally, in the West, and in our communities.
So here you are. Aware of all this and rightfully feeling overwhelmed. But it is too late to start closing your eyes now and the fact is you cannot go back. No matter how hard you try. There is no going back to sleep. Its either you mature as a black conscious leader and lead the sleep our of their slumber or you loose face as a black nationalist. A sell-out! We have enough of those! Why willingly join the ranks of the fallen soldiers when you can make a difference in a brotha or sistahs life? Why become a black devil and want to poke out the third eye of the black man or woman that woke you up. You gonna kill the elders? The spiritually mature for bringing you thru the right of passage into black leadership? It makes no sense.
If you fail to make it thru the rites of passage into waking up into the you that can help liberate or people out of the woes of white supremacy, chances are you are going to help many drag the rest of those awoke down with you. Now you sleep walking. You half on black supremacy and half on white supremacy. And thats as far as you'll get to ever going back to babyland or sleep.
The solution is to really be solid and clear on who the...(To See this Complete Blog visit www.kingnobleblackrulership.com You do not want to miss out on the most Interesting Black Conscious Webite on the internet!)
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