Saturday, May 30, 2015

Aware. Alert. I SPEAK!

Aware. Alert. I SPEAK!

Celebrate the month of June by wearing a black ribbon to remember the men and women who died or was murdered at the hands of police or an cultural indifference. Just as a pink ribbon represent breast cancer, black ribbons represent a time of mourning. 

We are ALL aware and very alert of what has been happening to us. It is now time that we SPEAK! We must help to cure the Silent Ears and Mouths in our village/communities!

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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Eric Sheppard & The Need To Stomp On Prison Bars

TAMPA, Fla. -- The Lowndes County Sheriff's Office has confirmed that Eric Sheppard was arrested in Tampa, Florida Thursday morning without incident.

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There Are Bantu Knots: Then There's Crakkers and 'Mini-Buns'

It's been well over a year since Marc Jacobs sent models sporting Bantu knots in a mohawk formation down the runway at his Spring 2015 Marc by Marc Jacobs show. But a related hair tutorial recently published on

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Steph Curry's daughter and the epitome of light skinned privilege.

Steph Curry's daughter and the epitome of light skinned privilege.
May 20, 2015

I hate to rain on everyone at ESPN's parade but the way Steph Curry's daughter behaved at last night's post game press conference was completely unacceptable for a child not suffering from any cognitive issues. I suffered with extreme ADD and Hyperactivity as a child and would've never been allowed to act out like that. I wouldn't ha

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King Noble Says Your Belief In The Idea Of A Black Christ/Messiah Is U

King Noble Says Your Belief In The Idea Of A Black Christ/Messiah Is Unreal If You Can't Accept Him

This is King Noble Black Supremacy. And I want to do this video. It’s a message to the Hebrew Israelites, the Christians, whatever denomination you want to call it. And it’s called, 'If you can't accept me, King Noble Black Supremacy, you really can't accept the idea of a Christ, A Jesus, and A Messiah.' Your idea of Jesus is just not real. Let's look at the idea because you all said that a UFO, that Jesus Christ is coming back on a UFO to save you with two hundred million soldiers to usher in the Armageddon, the end of the world and destroy white supremacy or destroy the institutions that be. You say Jesus is coming back. Out of the sky. That the clouds are going to open up.


Now just look at man's imagination. His idea of a UFO resembles something on earth--A flying saucer. His idea of an alien just looks like some type of mutated human being with several eyes or several arms or a big head. They have yet to give something, a c

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Friday, May 15, 2015

Malcolm X’s physical day declared an international holiday

Malcolm X’s physical day declared an international holiday

“Without education, you’re not going anywhere in this world,” Malcolm X once said.

“Without education, you’re not going anywhere in this world,” Malcolm X once said.

Tuesday, grassroots activists from throughout the tristate area will commemorate the remarkable legacy of one of Harlem’s greatest advocates for Black people to be a self-determining community. A number of local events have been scheduled for May 19 to acknowledge the 90th anniversary of Malcolm X’s physical birth and 50th annual cycle of an exclusive cultural ceremony commemorating his

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Uplifting Our People

Uplifting our people means showing them how truly free they are by exacting and giving them a different perspective from what they already think they know. You can be entrapped by 'old lessons' learned as well as conforming to a stagnant doctrine. White supremacy and religion are so detrimental because both are limited and linear in perspective, and both are stagnant teachings that don't require you to expand your consciousness. Thus, as a people they keep you enslaved. 

You can free your people by truly show them how free they are and to continually increase your own personal freedom indefinitely. Don't let anyone tell you, you are only free to be moral, religious, law abiding--that's not true freedom. Either that person doesn't know what freedom is, is afraid of their own potential freedom or wishes to keep you enslaved--which is black hate. 

YOU can choose how free you want to be. This is the era, where we are more aware of this since the events of slavery and possibly since we've been conscious beings. Black supremacy increases your freedom beyond limitations daily. 

Dying for you freedom if necessary
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