Uplifting our people means showing them how truly free they are by exacting and giving them a different perspective from what they already think they know. You can be entrapped by 'old lessons' learned as well as conforming to a stagnant doctrine. White supremacy and religion are so detrimental because both are limited and linear in perspective, and both are stagnant teachings that don't require you to expand your consciousness. Thus, as a people they keep you enslaved.
You can free your people by truly show them how free they are and to continually increase your own personal freedom indefinitely. Don't let anyone tell you, you are only free to be moral, religious, law abiding--that's not true freedom. Either that person doesn't know what freedom is, is afraid of their own potential freedom or wishes to keep you enslaved--which is black hate.
YOU can choose how free you want to be. This is the era, where we are more aware of this since the events of slavery and possibly since we've been conscious beings. Black supremacy increases your freedom beyond limitations daily.
Dying for you freedom if necessary
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